Exclusive Winter Wine Tasting Experience with our Winemaker

Take advantage of sleepy winter with an exclusive wine tasting experience with our winemaker.

Join us Sundays in February & March to taste through the best of Barnstormer with our Winemaker, Taylor Stember. Taylor will lead you through a special tasting of 8 wines, including limited release & reserve wines, all by our cozy fireplace. 

Unlike conventional tastings, this immersive encounter provides an insider’s perspective, offering a profound understanding of the craft directly from the source. Participants will gain invaluable insights into the intricate process of winemaking, unraveling the stories and passion behind each Barnstormer bottle. Beyond the tasting bar, participants will leave with a newfound appreciation, knowledge, and a genuine connection to the artistry within their glass.

Each ticket includes a cheese & charcuterie board & exclusive access to this limited experience of only 8 guests per tasting time.

Two seatings will take place at 11am & 2:30pm each Sunday. These tastings will last 1.5 hours.

$45 per person / $35 for any tier of our wine club members from Aviator’s, Frequent Flyer’s to High Flyer’s Wine Clubs.

Purchase your ticket in our events calendar for your desired day/time to secure your spot in this limited tasting series!

No children or infants are permitted for this event. 21+ only.

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